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2011. január 24., hétfő

Perpetum mobile-me :-)

Dear English speaker friends around the world,

I know I was not really kind to post only in Hungarian,which I did in the last couple of weeks. Some of You might know that again I am travelling -actually moved for a semester- to England. You might know I am soon finishing up my Pastoral degree. When I arrived home with my MDiv from Chicago/LSTC and my home seminary requested me to take 12 more courses and a year of internship before I can get ordained. Well, my way never been a shortcut,as You know :-). In my current semester I need to take only Latin and a Field exam in New Testament for which I do not need to attend a class, so I applied to a scholarship supported by the Anglican-Lutheran Society (ELCA is a part of it)to Mirfield, England. My boss let me take an unpaid leave so God set up everything for me.
And now I am here in England. Yes, not in Great Britain, I am a ctually in England. In Mirfield which is "pretty" close to Manchester (Middle part of England).

The place: Mirfield is a small town surrounded by beautiful green fields. I have time to run every day to explore it - so I found the canal, which is actually turned out to be its river and I am still confused which side of the road I should run. I have to tell You I enjoy being in a smaller place and not in a town/city so much! This is my first time in the Uk and I am suprised by the weather (my 8th day here and it hadn't rained).

The College:

The College of the Resurrection is a place for Anglican people who are heading towards priesthood.Most of them are not coming right after high school.Some married, some single, some gay, some straight, male and female (4 with me:-) The classes take place in 3 places (different schools)and their cooperation educates the people. Anyhow, the most interesting thing about it is not the academics, but the setting. It is living in a symbiosis with the monastery that founded it. It is a special Anglican monastery with its own rule and rythm of life. Which we follow.The training has a residental component which means that all those who are enrolled (even married) are required to live at the seminary housing and be a part of the whole community life. Married people go homw for the weekend or if they live in Mirfield thay are a part of the community which means we share some of the meals with them and the locals can stay at home of course at night. As in most of the seminaries allow students to have a flexible timetable this community is strongly attached to the monastic lifestyle and rythm.

Daily life:

7.30am Mattins (morning prayer-required)
8.00am Mass (Eucharist- voluntary)
8.15am breakfast (food is wonderful- SILENCE UNTIL THE END OF BREAKFAST)
11.00am Teatime :-) we are in England, right? This is the local Icecream Social :-). I really enjoy how it slows the day down. Tea with milk...well:-), but I love their coffee. It is so good to stretch a little when you are working on an essay.
1.15pm (reqiured)Lunch not a minute later or sooner. Just as you remember from movies we gather together and we start with the grace. 6-8 people are sitting at the same table and we serve each other the food. Everything is about community. It is as if you were in a family for the lunchtime. And of course you clean up after yourself,as well :-).
4.00pm tea-time
6.00pm Evensong (required)which is practicly Vespers. We are together with the monks and follow their liturgy.
9.15pm Compline (voluntary)
This is from Monday to Friday and on Sunday- slight differences are during the week).
Only Saturday is free and you can take 2 longer weekends (from Friday lunch until monday mattins but I am not sure about that).

What is so wonderful about it?
- living a healthy rythm of life and learn discipline
- learning what it means to be in a community where people would notice if you are missing, which means in a way loosing total freedom
- have the care of the people around
- silence and slowing down (even the liturgy makes you slowed down)
- liturgy : close to the Roman Catholic Mass, we chant, psalms are sung from 1-150, vestments are similar)

- songs : can you imagine chanting app. 30 me gifted with beautiful voice around you? It is like being in a concert every day! Sometimes I am just sinking in it (and not just because I can't follow which part of the liturgy comes next :-) voices are surrounding - embracing you. The feeling is like being in Marty Haugen's Holden Evening prayer if you are familiar with it.
- fresh air and green fields (no need for explanation, right :-)?)
Just a few to mention.

I know this is a lot about me right now, but I just thought to give an update. It is really different from Chicago. As for Chicago/LSTC I would use the word: diversity, for Mirfield I would use uniqueness and authetnicity. For LSTC aboundance, for Mirfield focused. Chicago - finding myself,as an independent person, Mirfield - finding myself,as a part of a community.
Am I blessed to be there? Or lucky? Some people can balance life much better than me. Sometimes God has to take me away from what I call "my life" and shake me, so I get back to the things which must come first in life.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and the rest... we all know :-).
And Yes, I am blessed.

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