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2011. március 29., kedd


What is salvation? - out of the blue I was facing this question asked by my Spiritual director.
What is salvation? Immediately I started to brainstorm, while in the midst of my thoughts I wondered whether I should pause for a moment and think it through before I say anything, but I just carried it on.
What is salvation? My first thought was that it is something, which mostly has something to do with the other world ,after I die. But I felt as I said it out laud that it must have had something to do with my current , earthy life, as well. The word salvation entered my life during those few months when I experienced that I am turning God whole heartedly and I had that strong feeling - solid, not emotion - that God is who I want. It is a new foundation for my life. A new start. Salvation gave me freedom.
For what? - he asked.
It is more from what. It freed me from the rules of this world.From the "must happen to all human being" things, from the "this is how it is" sentences,from those things which oppress us to be who we are created to be and from living the life God planned for us.From the world which doesn't count with the all powerful and almighty God.
Salvation/justification is making peace with God, to grasp that we are ok with God and we are really sons and daughters of him. I am his daughter. And I can have whatever he has- the whole world. I don't need to hide, to cover, to earn, to fight for, to have tousands of strategies to make a life for myself I can just have it. Because all this is his and he wants me to have it.
Salvation/justification is given to me. I just have to accept it. And from that time whatever I do I do out of love. Everything I do is an act of love, in total freedom showing how much I love God for having me and sharing all things with me.

So what is salvation? God's gift which frees me from this world to live in God's reality (freedom) and gives me also everlasting life. Accepting it creates in me a life of thanksgiving of words and deeds.

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